Tuesday 7 August 2007

The Evil Chair....

Today was Ok-ish. There was good and bad points. Went to a Bris (Good). House had large, thick steps to get into it so it took me ages to get into the house (Bad). There was a "sudahs mitzvah" afterwards (Good) but the seats were those hard fold up ones (VERY VERY VERY BAD).

Its funny when your whole day is defined by the pain you suffer sitting in a stupid folding orange seat. There were other seats around, but they were either way too low or being taken up by prominent members of the community. I felt it might have been disrespectful to ask any of these people to move from their seats. Also, I didn't want it to be remembered as the guy who asked prominent members of the community to give up their seats - so I sat and suffered and boy did I do that. I was only sat down for 30 mins, but that was enough pain to wear me out - I couldn't wait to get out of there. I also didn't get much choice in that - as I had to leave when my lift left.

Made a few phone calls (1 to LT to find out where my cheque was AS IT HADN'T EVEN BEEN SENT YET!!!!!!!!) then was so stressed from the phone calls and so much in pain from the bris this morning that my head hurt so much that I couldn't focus straight - so I went to bed till and basically woke up for dinner.

Felt a bit better after sleep - but normally when I sleep nowadays its not just a "sleep" - its more like a semi conscious coma. Its strange that I am aware of the people around me and sometimes the things they say to me when they believe I am asleep but I just can't wake up to respond - my body wont move when I want it to. The drugs do strange things to me...

Tried to focus on work and failed miserably - there wasn't much day left after the sleep :(

On a diverging note I had a moment today when I missed the days when I could go out, hop on a tube, hope on a bus - actually walk out of somewhere when I wanted to. I am not saying that I wanted to walk out of the bris - not at all as it was, despite the pain I was going through, an important event I simply had to be at. The point I am making is that I had no choice when I left. Evey time I go out the house it takes immense planning, preparation and research. If, for example I had phoned ahead to check out the seats, I think I would have taken my own seat to save me the suffering I went through!!

And yet I keep telling myself - how can I let a stupid fold up chair define my day?? It really does sound silly!! OK - so my day in summary - sat on horrible chair and the rest of my day was downhill from there!

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