Monday 13 August 2007

to walk or ride

in Judaism there is a lot of emphasis on walking. The Jews walked in the desert, the 3 "Foot Festivals", having to walk to shul etc....

The problem is, that during the week, I am just reliant on a wheelchair, but on Shabbat I am reliant on a wheelchair and a non-Jew to turn up and push me to shul - a double whammy. If the chair is screwed, I cant go. If the guy who is supposed to come and pick me up doesn't turn up - I am also screwed. As someone who regularly went to Shul before the accident, both on weekdays and on Shabbat, I can only get to shul during the week with a lift from someone else and I can only get to shul on Shabbat thanks to someone else.

I remember the good old days when I could choose to walk when I wanted, leave when I wanted and go where I wanted. Now everywhere I go has to be planned like a military exercise. As much as I am a fee person in this world, I am still trapped and tied to a machine for my freedom. It saddens me so much :(

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