Thursday 9 August 2007

Excuse me!!! Beep Beep

I have noticed that people innately don't take into consideration disabled people! I have noticed the following:

1) When I say "excuse me" - people look around but they DON'T LOOK DOWN!! People don't think that there might be someone on a different level to them. So when I shout louder and they finally realise I'm there, they get offended. I don't think I'm wrong here!!

2) The amount of shops that are inaccessible to me are phenomenal. Shop owners get upset when I ask them to come to the front of the store to the door to take money and my order.

3) I RELY on shallow curbs to get around and cross roads. People park across these with total disregard for anyone else.

4) Bus drivers are evil incarnations from hell - they always treat me like I'm some form of liability for them. Most of them rush off without me in the "disabled parking space" on a bus and when I want to get on a bus but there are buggies in spot I need to get in on the bus - they don't let me on. It clearly states by London Transport (LT) that " if there are buggies in this spot and a disabled person who needs this spot - they take priority over the buggies". Oh - and don't get me started on the ramps that barely wrong!

5) People who park on corners of roads need to have their license taken away and have their car squashed into a cube!! I waited in my chair at the corner of a road a number of weeks ago on a busy Friday afternoon near a parade of shops - I waited there out of principle. The woman (its usually a woman) who came to claim her car couldn't even look me in the eye when she said "I'm sorry, I have just realised what I have done".

Generally - I try to have simple faith in people but everything I have gone through in the past 8 months is testing that faith in humanity!!!

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